Dear Students, Educators, Families & Community Partners,

Thank you for visiting our new collection of powerful resources for integrating environmental topics into your standards-based instruction. We appreciate your attention to the importance of these topics for your students' growth, for their future career prospects, and the improved health of the planet we share.

This collection is for your outdoor and indoor classroom use, with articles, websites, videos and other media that pertain to your instruction integrating climate change activities into your content area.

This content is truly cross-curricular!

Last Updated:

A home with solar panels with a parked electric car next to a couple of windmills.

PreK – 12 Resource Collection &
Sustainability Office Community Partners


NM State Drought Monitor

No two states experience the same set of impacts during a drought. We developed tables of impacts reported during past droughts in each state for each level of drought on the U.S.Drought Monitor.

TED Resources

Who Owns the Wilderness? TED Ed

In 1903, US President Theodore Roosevelt took a camping trip in California’s Yosemite Valley with conservationist John Muir. Roosevelt famously loved the outdoors, but Muir had invited him for more than just camping: Yosemite was in danger.

Reducing Pollution

Keep Santa Fe Beautiful

Fun with Dusty Roadrunner Activity Book PDF

Active Transportation

Safe Routes to School Partnership

Learn about our work in targeted metropolitan areas to advance healthy transportation options, Complete Streets, environmental justice, Vision Zero, and Safe Routes to School.

Active Transportation

Santa Fe Bikeways & Trails Map

Santa Fe County has created an online, interactive trails map that is now available to the public! You can find hundreds of miles of trails throughout Santa Fe County, including County trails and Santa Fe National Forest, City of Santa Fe, and private land trails.

Active Transportation

Safe Routes to School Partnership

Learn about our work in targeted metropolitan areas to advance healthy transportation options, Complete Streets, environmental justice, Vision Zero, and Safe Routes to School.

Nurturing Nature

Phenological Shifts

Changes in species’ phenology, the seasonal timing of life history events, constitute one of the most unambiguous consequences of climate warming and one of the least understood.

Nurturing Nature


One of the world’s most popular nature apps, iNaturalist helps you identify the plants and animals around you.

Nurturing Nature

Climate Kids NASA

The greenhouse effect is a process that occurs when gases in Earth's atmosphere trap the Sun's heat. This process makes Earth much warmer than it would be without an atmosphere. The greenhouse effect is one of the things that makes Earth a comfortable place to live.

Nurturing Nature

SFPS Garden Guidelines

Santa Fe Public Schools endeavors to support the educational benefits inherent in school gardens and outdoor learning spaces. Through the application of these standards for the implementation and maintenance of these amenities, safe, responsible and sustainable gardens can be

Outdoor Learning

Santa Fe Adopt-an-Arroyo

The Adopt-An-Arroyo program will strive to clean up the intrinsic and necessary drainages by removing litter and providing a safe place for people to recreate in and around.

Active Transportation

Safe Routes to School Partnership

Learn about our work in targeted metropolitan areas to advance healthy transportation options, Complete Streets, environmental justice, Vision Zero, and Safe Routes to School.

Watershed Health

River Source

River Source recognizes and honors the culturally diverse inhabitants who first settled in the area and who called the nearby river “’Ogap’oge” or “Hashuk” the original names given by the Tewa and Keres peoples respectively to what is now known as the Santa Fe River.

Watershed Health

Santa Fe Adopt-a-River

The Santa Fe River is up for adoption! Our community river needs your help and care to stay vibrant and healthy. And you can join the Adopt-the-River program to help achieve this goal.


NM State Drought Monitor

No two states experience the same set of impacts during a drought. We developed tables of impacts reported during past droughts in each state for each level of drought on the U.S.Drought Monitor.

Active Transportation

Safe Routes to School Partnership

Learn about our work in targeted metropolitan areas to advance healthy transportation options, Complete Streets, environmental justice, Vision Zero, and Safe Routes to School.

Active Transportation


LOOK FOR ME is a travel safety campaign partnership between the UNM Center for Injury Prevention, Research and Education (CIPRE) and New Mexico Department of Transportation Traffic Safety Division.

Active Transportation

Safe Routes to School Partnership

Learn about our work in targeted metropolitan areas to advance healthy transportation options, Complete Streets, environmental justice, Vision Zero, and Safe Routes to School.

Canary in a Coal Mine

Merlin Bird ID

Identify every bird you see! Free, instant bird ID help for the birds of North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia.


Biodiversity TED Ed

Our planet’s diverse, thriving ecosystems may seem like permanent fixtures, but they’re actually vulnerable to collapse. Jungles can become deserts, and reefs can become lifeless rocks. What makes one ecosystem strong and another weak in the face of change?

Aldo Leopold

Aldo Leopold Essay Writing Contest

The Aldo Leopold Writing Contest is an effective and inclusive way to engage the next generation of citizen leaders.

Active Transportation

Safe Routes to School Partnership

Learn about our work in targeted metropolitan areas to advance healthy transportation options, Complete Streets, environmental justice, Vision Zero, and Safe Routes to School.

Active Transportation


LOOK FOR ME is a travel safety campaign partnership between the UNM Center for Injury Prevention, Research and Education (CIPRE) and New Mexico Department of Transportation Traffic Safety Division.

Active Transportation

Safe Routes to School Partnership

Learn about our work in targeted metropolitan areas to advance healthy transportation options, Complete Streets, environmental justice, Vision Zero, and Safe Routes to School.

Podcast Resources


Teach Me How To Vegan

Teach Me How To Vegan is jam-packed with resources, ideas, and tips for switching to (or staying on) a plant-based diet. Hosts Tony and Mickey Quintana share from their experiences, both personal and professional, how you can go vegan.


The Sustainable(ish) Podcast

Grab yourself a cuppa, and snuggle up on the sofa ready for a good old chinwag. Get inspired by fabulous people doing wonderful things to help us all to live a bit more sustainably, while you're walking the dog, doing the school run, or cooking the tea..!


Mothers Of Invention

Join former Irish president, Mary Robinson, comedian-writer, Maeve Higgins, and series producer, Thimali Kodikara for a groundbreaking season of Mothers Of Invention!


Teach Me How To Vegan

Teach Me How To Vegan is jam-packed with resources, ideas, and tips for switching to (or staying on) a plant-based diet. Hosts Tony and Mickey Quintana share from their experiences, both personal and professional, how you can go vegan.


The Sustainable(ish) Podcast

Grab yourself a cuppa, and snuggle up on the sofa ready for a good old chinwag. Get inspired by fabulous people doing wonderful things to help us all to live a bit more sustainably, while you're walking the dog, doing the school run, or cooking the tea..!


Teach Me How To Vegan

Teach Me How To Vegan is jam-packed with resources, ideas, and tips for switching to (or staying on) a plant-based diet. Hosts Tony and Mickey Quintana share from their experiences, both personal and professional, how you can go vegan.

Music Resources

Solar Energy

I'll Follow The Sun

The Beatles

Solar Energy

Sunshine Song

Jason Mraz

Solar Energy

The Planet Song/Solar System Song

Kids Learning Tube

Solar Energy

I'll Follow The Sun

The Beatles

Solar Energy

Sunshine Song

Jason Mraz

Solar Energy

I'll Follow The Sun

The Beatles