Dear Climate
Change Investigator,

Whether you are a student, teacher or member of the Santa Fe Community, we invite you to learn more about the science and policy, impacts and mitigations, adaptation and resiliency in these articles gleaned for your use.

We hope you will employ these as writing prompts in the classroom, springboards for peer-to-peer discussion, debate topics, or for your general knowledge.

We welcome you to contribute to this collection, as you are reading and learning from many more sources than we could cover. This collection strengthens as diverse voices are heard from, and we learn more from each other.

To submit an article, video, podcast, etc., please go to:

Submit a Resource

Last Updated:

Sunday, March 9, 2025
Lightbulb with solar panels and wind mills.

Immunity Outdoors

Daycares in Finland Built a 'Forest Floor', And It Changed Children's Immune Systems

Impact of livestock farming on the environment

Why do people hate vegans?

Interface Model

How Interface realized that the carpet business as usual wasn't sustainable

Invasive Species

Invading Bullfrogs Appear Nearly Unstoppable


New York is in uproar over push to ax gifted programs. This school is doing it anyway


Your school’s eco footprint: students grade it, then improve it


Teachers: Are You Using Podcasts In Your Classroom?


Over 2.2 million students enrolled in this free Yale class on how to be happier


Schools Are Embracing Mindfulness, But Practice Doesn't Always Make Perfect


Ecological Footprint Calculator

Climate Change

Climate Change Solutions Simulator

Distance Learning

Use Your Time in Isolation to Learn Everything You’ve Always Wanted To

EPA’s WaterSense

Fix a Leak Week Teacher’s Guide

EPA’s WaterSense

Fix a Leak Week Student Worksheet

EPA’s WaterSense

Save Water and Energy by Showering Better

EPA’s WaterSense

Fix a Leak Week At Home Activity

EPA’s WaterSense

Colorea estos monstruos que desperdician agua, ¡pero no seas como ellos!

EPA’s WaterSense

Fix a Leak Week Activity Sheet

Climate Change

It feels like something out of a bad sci-fi movie'

Climate Change

Driven By Climate Change, Desalination Researchers Seek Solutions To Water Scarcity

Climate Change

Citing Climate Commitments, U.K. Court Blocks New Runway At Heathrow Airport

Climate Change

Antarctica Melts,' NASA Says, Showing Effects Of A Record Warm Spell

Climate Change

World's Largest Asset Manager Puts Climate At The Center Of Its Investment Strategy

Climate Change

The Worst Day in Earth’s History Contains an Ominous Warning

Climate Change

How Warming Winters Are Affecting Everything


Hopi Look To Tourism, Ranching For Income After Coal Power Plant Closure

Drought 2020

Nearly Half of the U.S. Is in Drought. It May Get Worse


New Mexico Bike Summit


Energy Resources for State, Local, and Tribal Governments


Your school’s eco footprint: students grade it, then improve it

Monarch Butterfly

The Southwest Monarch Study

Monarch Butterfly

Project Monarch Health

Monarch Butterfly

Monarch Joint Venture

Regenerative Soils & Their Impact on Carbon

Kiss The Ground

Regenerative Soils & Their Impact on Carbon

NM Healthy Soil Working Group

Wildlife Without Borders

Climate Advocates Voces Unidas

Climate Change

Climate Change Resources for Media

Climate Change

Let's Talk Climate

Climate Change

Climate Change Resources For Educators

Monarch Butterfly

Managing for Monarchs in the West

Monarch Butterfly

Western Monarch Milkweed Mapper

Monarch Butterfly

Monarch Butterfly In New Mexico And A Proposed Framework For Its Conservation

Monarch Butterfly

An iconic migration is on the verge of collapse—we must all do our part to save western monarchs!

Monarch Butterfly

Regional Monarch Nectar and Milkweed Guides

Monarch Butterfly

Welcome to the Western Monarch Count!


The hidden beauty of pollination | Louie Schwartzberg

Young Climate Leaders

The disarming case to act right now on climate change | Greta Thunberg

Young Climate Leaders

Greta Thunberg's emotional speech to EU leaders

Young Climate Leaders

This Is All Wrong,' Greta Thunberg Tells World Leaders At U.N. Climate Session